February 16, 2008

How sweet it is!

This morning we awoke to most exciting news! James Taylor will be in concert in Portland this July. We are all so excited to go--especially Anna. Her first concert and her favorite music. What could be better?

If you're interested in tickets they go on sale March 3. He'll be at the Clark Co. Amphitheater.

Hope to see you there.

February 15, 2008

Time warps and spring flowers

My little brother--who is both brilliant and funny--wonders where last week went (www.fromfattotri.blogspot.com). Today I am wondering where the last year has gone! I'm watching Anna and Richard walk through the field with the dog and examine nearly every rock, stick and bug--and I wonder when exactly she went from being a baby to being an almost-little-kid. From what I hear this kind of time warp will continue to happen. I guess it just makes it even more important to remember to live in the moment.

We are getting antsy for spring around here--I failed in my vow to not buy the first flowers displayed at the front doors at Fred Meyer. I know they will suffer either a death by frost, or neglect, but I spent the $4 anyway. Seems like Valentine's Day is the gateway to spring--all the red and pink clear out to make room for all the Easter merchandise. This is proof enough for me that spring is on the way. So what if I have to buy more flowers in a few weeks?

Richard is inspired not only by the coming of spring, but with the opportunity to attend some local workshops about soil, worms, ducks, and some other farm-related topics. The information will be helpful as will the networking.

Happy spring!

February 6, 2008

My traveling bug is dead

Three airports in less than two weeks. A quick trip to Vegas, a weekend in Tahoe, and then a meeting in Boise. The Tahoe trip was planned and perfectly lovely. The others—well, gotta love the work, right?

It is reassuring that our hopes of building my freelance business and client base are coming true. And it’s refreshing to have work that is fun and clients who are nice. I’m just looking forward to some consecutive nights at home and the chance to see Anna and Richard, do my laundry, clean the bathroom, and buy some milk.

It’s nice to settle into our home and our new life. It’s nice to feel connected to our little town and to actually like coming home.

When my plane landed in Boise this morning there was snow and fog everywhere. But, just yesterday I noticed the daffodils peeking through the mud by the front door so I know that spring is on the way.

I’ll be home tomorrow—and then it’s back to life in Philomath.
