January 6, 2008

Hey, it's snowing! Where's Matt Zaffino?

We awoke to a light dusting of snow this morning. It was mostly gone by lunch time, but how nice a surprise to have on a quiet Sunday morning. One of the things I noticed right away last winter is that there is little-to-no local weather coverage. There are no reporters on the overpasses reporting on the first few flakes to fall, no screaming headlines about ice on the roads. Really, the only way you’d know it was snowing is to actually go (or look) outside. (Not at all like getting snow in Portland!)

Anyway, it was a beautiful morning. And we got to talking about our plans for the farm and the likelihood that our timeframe for starting to recruit members is a bit aggressive. (We had hoped to be up and running this spring/summer.) But, after talking about our goals for the farm, and considering the needs of our soil, we’ve decided that we’re in need of a bit of a course correction. Richard still plans to go from full-time to part-time work next fall, and we will hit the ground running this spring with planting and new soil treatments, but we’re revising our timing with regard to actually recruiting families.

That said, we hope to find a few “beta” families as willing test subjects to try out our vegetable varieties and delivery schedules. In return we’ll ask for a lot of feedback and perhaps some assistance with a few heavy lifting items around our place. More on this to come.

On another, non-farm related note, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my first pottery wheel. It should be delivered in the next three-to-four days. Richard has cleared space in the room off of our garage as a mini “studio.” No at-home kiln for now—but a membership at the Craft Center at OSU will take care of glazing and firing needs.

Here’s to quiet mornings and more snow!


Bill Thompson said...
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Bill Thompson said...

When can I expect my first bowl from the new wheel? I'd like to place my order now please... Something big enough to hold half a box of Lucky Charms and some milk would be perfect!!
