March 3, 2008

Keeping Up

As we've started to discuss our patio and landscape plan it feels more and more like spring. Easter egg hunts are coming up--and so are the daffodils. I've made a few pots, work has slowed to a more reasonable pace and life feels in balance--at least for today.

I tried a new brand of tea last week (Yogi tea) as Anna has daily tea parties and we were running low. On each of the bags there's a tab with a little "fortune" kind of thing. Friday's was "Keep Up." I like these fortunes--they are not gentle, kind or filled with soft fluff. They are directive, honest--and a little abrupt. And, they always make me think. So, I've been trying to keep up. With life mostly. Anna and her shifting interests, her daily changes. Richard and his talk about bows and arrows and his revived love of loading shotgun shells and what our soil needs before we can plant. I've also tried keeping up with myself. Listening to what I need, what I want to do, and how I'm feeling. It's a good exercise in paying attention. Guess I never thought all that could come from a cup of tea!

Finally, some great news about James (Taylor). We somehow made the list for a special pre-sale and were able to get tickets late last week. Anna is looking forward to seeing James and his band. Only four months to go!

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