February 12, 2010

Long time, no post

It's been a long break from the blog! After musing about the farm and its possibilities over the winter we've decided to commit to recruiting at least 10 families to grow food for in the coming season. I've got some idea about the amount of work this may be, but until it's time to harvest, we can't be sure. Strawberries were booming last year and we had an abundance of pumpkins. Also, my basil patch was a delight after the initial slow start. We're hoping for better leeks this year as well as carrots. The kale and broccoli shined last season and we're hoping for more in the coming months.

Seedlings are started in the sunroom and have just broken through the dirt. It's a good reminder that spring will truly join us at some point soon. I'm working on growing about 50 baby sunflowers to give out with our Farm information in hopes of attracting those 10 families. Wish us luck!

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