April 26, 2010

Made with Love

The greens and lettuces are still going strong as are the radishes. I'm watching daily now for peas and Richard has been busy with the new strawberry beds and planting summer squash, more broccoli and, of course, kale.

One of our close friends, Kristi, recently received one of our early boxes and made a beautiful tart from the spring onions. Not only did she make beautiful food, she also photographed it and wrote about it here. Kristi is in her fifth week of an eight week stint at Robert Reynold's Chef Studio. She was an amazing and creative cook pre-training--I can hardly wait to see (taste!) what she can do now!

Thanks once again for your support and patience as we work out the kinks with loading boxes, delivering boxes and getting it all right!

April 16, 2010

What's in the box?

We've received several questions in the last week about what's in the box? What ARE those greens? What variety of lettuce IS this? I'm loving the curiosity and the interest and am putting together a sheet with photos and names of everything that we put in the boxes. This is a great exercise for me as I've never learned the names of the varieties we grow--I just love to eat them. Stay tuned for the information sheet. I'll post it on the "What's in the box?" page as well as include in the boxes. 

April 13, 2010

Inching forward into Spring!

Hooray! This week feels like Spring is truly here to stay. No more surprise snow flurries and running out to cover the baby seedlings in the dark (we hope). We'll be ready to begin delivery of boxes soon. In fact, if you'd like the first of our salad greens and radishes let us know and we'll deliver a sampling of what's to come.

And speaking of what's to come, here's what you can expect to see in your first few weeks of vegetable boxes:

Asian Greens

As always, thank you for your support and love of vegetables!
